Winter Update 2021

DIAC Celebrates 20th Anniversary Milestone

In 2021, the Design Industry Advisory Committee (DIAC) celebrated 20 years of collaborative design research. Since DIAC was established by the City of Toronto in 2001, it has been our privilege to collaborate with the design associations representing architects, landscape architects, planners and urban designers, industrial, interior, graphic and fashion designers in Ontario. The research and program activities of DIAC have demonstrated the value of design to business, government and social enterprises across many different sectors.

Featured Projects

This past year has been a busy one for DIAC. In response to the pandemic, we launched a Call for Projects to understand what designers were working on to help us adapt to profound changes in our work environment and in our daily lives. We have been sharing these stories on our website.

Design Impacts Framework

In 2021, DIAC launched its Design Impacts Framework which identifies five positive and measurable impacts of design in Placemaking projects. DIAC revisited three successful Placemaking projects in Toronto: Artscape Wychwood Barns, Sugar Beach and The Bentway, to demonstrate how specific design interventions can contribute to positive economic, social and environmental outcomes. In the next phase of this project DIAC will apply the Design Impacts Framework to other areas of design such as interior space, buildings, communications and products.

Information Graphics in the Pandemic

In March, 2021 DIAC collaborated with the Registered Graphic Designers (RGD) on a webinar: Information Graphics in the Pandemic: Are We Getting a Clear Picture? We have all been bombarded with data since the emergence of COVID-19. DIAC invited three knowledgeable panelists to share their perspective on how we are tracking and visually representing this data.2 design industry advisory committee 

Toronto Design Sector Study 

Over the past year, DIAC has worked with the Toronto Workforce Innovation Group (TWIG) and the City of Toronto to update the profile of the Toronto Design Industry. TWIG is a non-profit, independent research organization partially funded by the Ontario Government and is devoted to finding and promoting solutions to employment-related problems in the Toronto Region. DIAC acted as subject matter experts for the new study on the Design Industry which looks at long-term trends, occupational issues, potential for employment growth, labour market issues, job opportunities and inclusion.The research will be published in early 2022. 

CaféTO Winterization Design Charrette 

In October, 2021 DIAC collaborated with the City of Toronto to organize a half-day, virtual design charrette to explore design opportunities and other innovations that can extend safe outdoor dining and entertainment activities into the colder months. With the help of our design association members, DIAC engaged a cross-disciplinary team of designers to work with the restaurant owners, representatives of the Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) and City staff at this event. DIAC is summarizing the recommendations emerging from the charrette in a report to be shared with the City, BIAs, restaurant owners and other stakeholders in the industry.