Design Collaboration Roundtables, Montreal and Toronto

As economic and social challenges escalate all over the world, we need to engage designers earlier and more deeply in macro innovation projects to create more human-centred, resilient and timely solutions to the global challenges of our time.

Design Collaboration Roundtable Group at World Design Summit

Design Collaboration Roundtable Group at World Design Summit

As part of the World Design Summit in Montreal in October, 2017, the Design Industry Advisory Committee led an international Design Roundtable focused on creating a new strategy for integrated collaboration with designers to address top global challenges. including Urban Resilience, Community Wellbeing and Economic Competitiveness. In April, 2018 DIAC is hosting the second phase of the consultation in Toronto to develop an Action Plan that can be implemented in Canada and adopted around the world. The Toronto Design Roundtable will bring together distinguished design leaders and design champions for this critical consultation. The goal is to ensure that designers from all disciplines are included on cross-disciplinary innovation teams in industry and government.